Thursday 19 December 2013

Key Elements of Our Thriller Opening

In our Thriller movie the key elements we are going to be using some codes and conventions to help build up suspense before the film begins.
  • Fast paced quick cuts - We know that this is an element that the audience will be used to and is effective for building tension and suspense in a film.
  • Mirrors - Mirrors are another commonly used convention in a thriller. The connotations of mirrors are reflection, double meanings and tricks on the audience. We are going to use mirrors in our opening to show the fractured personality of our character and to build mystery about his identity.
  • Black and white CCTV footage - This will allow us to create a dark and eerie atmosphere at the same time CCTV footage has connotations of reality making the film feel more real and creepy.
  • Non diegetic music - We are going to use non diegetic music to allow the audience to identify that is something not right, so that we can build suspense for them and make them aware that something bad is about to happen.

Age Classification

As part of our production we have to classify the minimum age limit to either watch our film in the cinema or to purchase it. In order to do this we had to do some research on it to gain more marks. One key website that we found useful was the British Board of film classification (BBFC) because it give us detailed information about each age classification and the what should and should not be included.
The age classification we have agreed on is '15' because on BBFC it states that a this classification could include:
  • strong violence
  • frequent strong language (eg 'f***').
  • portrayals of sexual activity
  • strong verbal references to sex
  • sexual nudity
  • brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
  • discriminatory language or behaviour
  • drug taking

But the only the element from this we are using is strong violence because of the fact that there is going to be a murder and we feel this is too serious to classify as a '12' and it would not be an '18' because we are not dwelling on the infliction of pain and injury.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Film Synopsis

For our coursework production we have decided to make a psychological thriller film opening, we are currently working on a name for our film but we have got our story line.

Levi is the protagonist in the film, and is being portrayed as a mentally-ill patient who has been sectioned off into a mental institute for murder instead of going to prison. During his time in the mental institution, Levi has made a kill list containing 3 women- one he has already killed and another he kills in the opening sequence. The third woman will be Levi's target for the rest of the film. In the sequences following our opening sequence, the likability of Bonnie's character will be established in order to create tension and anxiety amongst the audience for the remainder of the film. A cat and mouse pursuit of Levi and Bonnie will dominate most of the film, ending with a plot twist in which Levi learns that he is the father of Bonnie's child but he is shot by the police. The final sequence will be an ariel shot of Bonnie lying over Levi's body whilst uncontrollably crying.

Monday 16 December 2013


We decided on a logo and came up with the name 'EVIL Productions' we decided to use this name because it fits in well with the thriller genre and our plans for our final piece.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Thriller Mood Board

Codes and Conventions

We decided to present our research on codes and conventions on thrillers as a tv style interview.

Script Abbreviations

ELS extreme long shot
MLS medium long shot
LS long shot
MS medium shot
MCU medium close-up
CU close-up
ECU extreme close-up
OS over-the-shoulder shot
2-S or 3-S two-shot or three-shot
POV point of view shot
ZI or ZO zoom in or zoom out
INT interior
EXT exterior
SOT or SOF sound on tape or sound on film
BG background
SFX or F/X special effects (can be either sound or visual)
VO voice-over
OSV off-screen voice
DIS dissolve

Location Shoot

We got in contact with Dawn Martin, The head of alternative education at our school and she is also of this house which is used as a learning annex and is situated on the school grounds. She is fine for us to use this house as our location for making our production.

This is a shot of the high gate and fence that is surrounding the house we are going to use as a mental institute.
This is a shot of a CCTV camera that is situated on the outside of the house; which is good because makes the house feel more like a 'mental home' or institute.

This is a shot of the house we are going to use as the mental institute. We think this is a good location because it is surrounded by a big field a high fencing with a gate that can be locked. It is also a good location to use because the house has various CCTV cameras in and around the house that can make it feel more like a mental institute.

This a shot showing part of the field and the high fence that surrounds it. It also shows a CCTV camera on a high post. This could show that its an area that needs to be closely watched.

This a shot of the field surrounding the house.

This is a shot of the house showing part of the field and fencing.

This is a shot of an office that can be re arranged and used as the mental institute officer's office.

Preliminary Task

Preliminary exercise: Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.